Neutralize Inflationary effects in the economy

History suggests that countries which have adopted moderate and progressive outlook have made faster progress than those which have taken an authoritarian and insular turn. Price stability is the best contribution that monetary policy can make to economic growth and job creation. Inflation is caused by the failure of aggregate supply to equal the increase in aggregate demand. Therefore, inflation can be controlled by increasing the supplies of goods and services and reducing money incomes in order to control aggregate demand. 

Inflation or persistently rising prices is a major problem in India today. Due to inflation, value of money falls and the people need more money to buy goods and services. In order to exercise control on inflation, following two systems, if implemented, shall not only leave more purchasing power in the hands of public by saving money but control inflation for a long time to come.

1. Stop giving subsidies/grants on essential commodities, rather supply few of such essentials on experimental basis to the public in rural areas- to start with- Later extend it on Pan India basis with the passage of time by monitoring its results. This exercise will leave more purchasing power in the hands of public, to spend more on other items resulting increase in demand, jobs and of course, more revenue to Govt. in the form of more tax. For this, PDS should be made strong enough to prevent leakages, sincere audit systems and controls. 

2. A 'Fuel Price Conservation Fund' be created by crediting it by @ Re.1/- P.litre of fuel sold in the country on a periodical basis. Fixed rate of fuel to be sold in the country be declared. Any price increase, when ever occurs, should be met out of this fund. This exercise, no doubt, shall leave more liquidity in the hands of public to run their households properly and improve their standard of living. This fund, if not utilized, can be a powerful source of financial strength in the hands of Govt. to make use of in other development projects. The benefit to the Govt. shall be the same as mentioned in Para 1 above. 

It is therefore suggested that the above systems be implemented at the earliest since time plays a very important role in every decision, because you may delay but time will not. 





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