Faith or Blind Faith

Faith or Blind faith - common between two is trust, acceptance and belief. But, there is  

              a fundamental difference. In blind faith, you accept something without giving any thought to it, whereas faith is a result of your choice, reflection. The result of faith determines whether your faith is right or blind. If you are getting transformed heading towards the truth, then that is right faith, and if your inner state is deteriorating, know that your faith is blind. 


Generally, Faith is verified based on the one you have faith in. If you faith in someone who is not worthy, people say you have blind faith. But whether that person is worthy or not, what is important is, is your faith genuine? So faith is determined by the one who has faith and not the one in whom he has invested his faith.




Faith is subjective, not objective. If you have faith in stone, and if it is helping in blossoming the flower of spirituality in you, it is right faith. And if God is in front of you but your feelings are pulling you in the darkness of ignorance, then that is blind faith. It is necessary to understand this difference. The deciding factor is not whom you have faith in but what is your faith doing to you. This should be the yardstick to measure your faith as right or blind. Faith without any reflection cannot stand firm in testing times or bring revolution in life. Thus, there are two verification tests to know the truthfulness of  faith - one, it should have risen from your independent reflection, and, second, it should lead to inner transformation. 



 The phrase "Blind faith" means different things to different people and sadly, many people use it as a negative, disparaging term to describe anyone who believes in God. A blind faith eventually grows into an intelligent faith as doubt is removed from the mind of the individual. Regardless of which thought process one is predominantly holding, faith can always be improved upon.

Blind faith is spiritually suicidal because you kept waiting for the one you have faith in to do some miracle. Try to understand that whatever needs to be done by you has to be done by you. Raise yourself in the presence of the one ou have faith in. You have reverence for the one you have faith in but the effort must be yours. Note that instrument is not responsible, aspirant is accountable. 

Faith that makes you put in right efforts is right faith. Where there is hard work but no desire for result, it is right surrender. Surrender does not mean to do " everything for me" rather " shall put in right efforts as instructed by you". So when virtues blossom, you say " This is not the result of my doing. I would not have done it if you did not directed me. This has occurred only because of your inspiration". Such dissolution of ego is is the result of right faith.






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