Let The War Not Happen

It has been a routine to read almost daily in newspaper about some war or disturbance which is happening in different parts of the world. Previously, all the wars/ any disturbance that were created/fought in the history of mankind  taught a horrible lessons of its futility. War is the march of hell on the surface of earth which leaves in its wake ruins, corpses, rubble, families destroyed, and regret for having invited this monster from hell. Wars can never end conflicts, they complicate it further.    

A review of history of causes of war/ disturbances, which took place in  last century, their results as well as expected of (seems to be) in the current one must be looked into:   

WORLD WAR I -  On 28th June, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria - Hungary was shot and killed by a Serbian man who thought Serbia should control Bosnia instead of Austria. Due to their leader had been shot, Austria - Hungary declared war on Serbia. As a result, Russia got involved due to its alliance with Serbia. Germany declared war on Russia due to its alliance with Austria - Hungary Britain declared war on Germany because of its invasion of neutral Belgium. Britain had agreements to protect both Belgium and France. This is how World War I began.

WORLD WAR II - The instability created in Europe by the First World War I (1914 -18) set the stage for another international conflict -World War II - which broke out two decades later and prove even more devastating. Rising to power in an economically and politically unstable Germany, Adolf Hitler, leader of Nazi party rearmed the nation by signing treaties with Italy and Japan to further his ambitions of world domination. Hitler's invasion of Poland in Sept. 1939 drove Britain and France to declare war on Germany marking the beginning of World War II.

While reviewing the past (mentioned above), one can make sure of that both the wars were carried out to control more land, power to dominate, and their results, everybody knows. 

In the present century - a new concept has come up with the discovery of advanced arms and ammunition, nuclear weapons by the countries. and their use to acquire more land and power is still intact. It is strange to note that countries spend billions of Dollars to find life on other Planets and trillions of Dollars to kill life on Earth. Different modes of creating disturbances are used in other countries. The cost of wasting/ spoiling own generations do not bother them, of which next generations will have to suffer. Results of previous two wars be looked into seriously before any such step is decided to carry out.                  

To conclude, it can be said that wars are symbolic of savage backwardness. Civilized people resolve their conflicts through peaceful dialogue at the discussion tables. Wars must be avoided at all costs. 




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