How Virus Enters The Body And Infection Spreads

It is to be noted that two cells- Goblet cells and Ciliated cells are two kinds of cells where the entry mechanism of SARS CoV2 takes place and the virus begins to attack. Goblet cells are those that produce mucus within the nose and are found alongside the respiratory tract. On the other hand, Ciliated cells are hair like cells that help sweep mucus or dust to the throat. 

Now what happens that virus has a lock and key effect. This particular virus has a fatty envelope containing a spike protein on the surface. This protein unlocks another protein (ACE2 ) that is present on the human cell. After this is unlocked, virus enters the human cell. When the virus enters in the cell, it will open up so that its DNA and RNA will come out and go straight to the nucleus. They will enter a molecule, which is like a factory, and make copies of the virus. Thee copies will come out of the nucleus to be assembled and receive protein, which protects their DNA and RNA. There it uses a second protein called TMPRESS2 which allows the virus to reproduce and eventually leads it to the transmission within the cell.   

Viruses are tiny, ranging in size from about 20 to 400 nanometers in diameter. Billions are fit on the head of a pin. Viruses are packets of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA, surrounded by a protein shell and sometimes fatty materials called Lipids. Outside a living cell, a virus is a dormant particle, lacking the raw materials for reproduction. When it enters a host cell does it go into action, hijacking the cell's to simply bud off a cell membrane. 

It is important to note that when a virus infects a human, it does not always end up in a disease. The infection occurs when the virus begins to multiply. The disease occurs when many body cells are damaged by the infection, which is also when the symptoms and illness appear.      

In a nutshell, if the immune system manages to fight off the virus that entered the cells and replicated, the person will not get sick. The immune system is the body's first line of defense. On the other hand, viruses can be prevented with vaccines. Now a days, this is the most efficient way. The vaccine produces a specific immunity against a disease because it trains antibodies and cells to recognize the infectious agent.     

To conclude, viruses are microorgansims that can only live if they find a host. Once they find it, if they manage to overcome all natural and scientific barriers that the body produces, they can infect the person.     



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