Migraine And Headaches - Symptoms and Treatment

Migraine is a neurological condition that can cause multiple symptoms. It is frequently characterized by intense, debilitating headaches. Symptoms may include vomiting, nausea, difficulty in speaking, numbness or tingling and sensitivity to light and sound. It often run in families and and affect all ages. Most common categories of migraine are those without aura (previously known as common migraines) and those with aura (previously known as classic migraines). Symptoms during this stage can include:-

Depression, Food cravings, Frequent yawning, Fatigue or low energy, Neck stiffness, Hyperactivity, Irritability. Other factors that may trigger a migraine are - Severe heat, or other extremes in weather, bright lights, Dehydration, Hormonal changes, excess stress, loud sounds, skipping meals, intense physical activity, changes in sleep patterns, changes in barometric pressure, use of certain medicines, smoking, alcohol, travelling. 

Migraine without aura is called common migraine. Such people have had at least five attacks that have the following characteristics - 

- Headache usually lasting 4 to 72 hours if it's not treated or if treatment doesn't      work.

-  Headache has at least one of these traits - make sensitive to light, sound, 

- Experiencing Nausea with or without vomiting or diarrhea. 

Headache having two of these traits: 

- Occurs only one side of the  head. 

-Pain gets worse while moving or climbing stairs.

-Pain level is moderate or severe.       

For migraine with aura, the aura occurs after the prodrome stage. Prodrome is the stage which marks the beginning of a migraine attack. During an aura, problems with speech, sensation, movement, and vision may occur. Next phase is the attack phase. This is the most acute or severe of the phases when the actual migraine pain occurs. Sometimes, it can overlap or occur during an aura. Its symptoms can last anytime from hours to days. Symptoms can vary from person to person. After the attack phase, there are usually changes in mood and feelings which can range from feeling euphoric and extremely happy, to feeling very fatigued and apathetic. Mild headache may persist. The pain most commonly affects the fore head area - usually on one side of the head but it can occur on both sides of the head or can shift.              

Migraines can begin in childhood or may not occur until early adulthood. Women are more likely than men to have migraines. Migraine symptoms may begin one or two days before the headache itself known as prodrome stage.   

Other migraines are - Chronic migraine, Acute migraine, Vestibular migraine, Optical migraine, Complex migraine, Menstrual migraine, Migraine without  headache, Hormonal migraine, Stress migraine, Cluster migraine, Vascular migraine. 


1. Learn what triggers your migraines (mentioned above) and avoid those things.

2. Stay hydrated. 

3. Avoid skipping meals.

4. Get quality sleep.

5. Make it a priority to reduce our stress, learn to cope with it, in helpful ways.

6. Learn relaxation skills.

7. Exercise regularly. 

8. Quit smoking.


1. Peppermint oil - Dilute with coconut oil, apply on temples.

2. Rosemary oil - Mix with coconut oil, use it in massage or hot bath. 

3. Lavender oil - Breathing in the scent for inhaling or in hot bath. 

4. Chamomile oil -  Use it as above explained. 

5. Eucalyptus oil -  If headache is caused by sinus issues, mix it with oil (as above)      and apply it to the chest. 

To prevent widespread irritation, do a patch test by applying oil to a small spot on your skin. Essential oils can have numerous medicinal benefits when used correctly, and they can help to relieve headaches and migraine attacks. Always remember that a little goes a long way - one to three drops will do the trick.





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