Maintain Self Respect

Respect is such a simple thing in concept. In practice, since other people are involved, respect gets more complicated. Self interests are mixed in, so emotions and actions impact us in adverse or unexpected ways. We cannot get distracted from who we really are and we really want to be. After all, respect begins with self respect, and this is the starting point in how to get and keep respect.    

To have self respect is to take yourself for who you are to wake up and forget yourself for the mistakes you have made. If you focus on the bad actions that you have done, you cave yourself into darkness and can't see the good in life, which is what lot of teenagers do. When you are down, try to remember the good that you have done and not the bad, because focusing on negative thoughts leads you to nothingness at the end. It is hard to overcome some self respect issues, but when you're able to look in the mirror and smile and tell yourself you are a beautiful person, it is an amazing feeling. 

Self respect is incredibly important and is a much talked about concept. It is a quality which is extremely important for the dignity, confidence and personality of an individual. If you have high self esteem, you are more likely to believe in your chances of accomplishing your goals. People with self respect have the courage of accepting their mistakes. They exhibit certain toughness, a kind of moral courage and they display character. 

Here are some tips to respect yourself, rebuild or regain self respect, and keep it   

Know that you can rebuild - The vital thing in this rebuilding process is to maintain an optimistic attitude toward your efforts and make a point of working diligently at it. 

Stop worrying what other people think and stay true to your core values and beliefs - There will likely be criticism as you strive to make changes in your life. Instead of  worrying what other people think or say, remain steadfast in your core beliefs and values. This will help you restore the self respect you desire.   

Accept your mistakes and pledge to do better - Mistakes chip away at your self esteem if you continue to beat yourself up over them. Accept that you have erred, pledge to do better, and make good on the commitment. 

Hold yourself to ambitious standards - Never do something half-way or to the least of your ability. Pride yourself on following through on your word and mean what you say. Value honesty, challenging work and commitment above all else. If you start with these, you will begin to learn how to respect yourself. 

Believe in choices once you make them - Believing in the choices you make and exerting whatever efforts is necessary to bring about the changes you seek.

Work hard and acknowledge your efforts - It allows you to see the minor successes you have along the way and shows you where you may need to adjust your plan to accommodate the latest ideas or take benefits of lessons learned in case of setbacks. 

Instead of trying to impress others, follow your heart and do what is right - If you maintain a constant goal of living in truth according to your beliefs and values, you will find it easier to do the right thing. Feel your direction from within and take appropriate action. 

Recognize that self-respect is a building process - As it takes a while to lose your self respect, it also takes some time to regain or rebuild it. This is the time to weigh the merits of respecting yourself and tailoring you life so that you hold yourself in the highest regard which you most value is what you will pay attention to. 

When you are content to be simply yourself and don' compare or compete, everyone will respect you. 










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