Know Your Worth

When I asked this question people often get confused, as to how to answer. Knowing your value is an emotional subject. It is easy to identify when you don't feel valued, respected or appreciated but knowing your value is rather different. 

In my view, self worth is defined as the sense of one's own value or worth as a person. I think that is one part of it but the other aspect is being able to understand how much of a difference you have made in any given situation with the contribution you have made. Keep in mind that no one is perfect that's why pencils have erasers.

In order to be clear on this, I give following seven points that can indicate to know your value -

1) Having positive self esteem - Self esteem is confidence in one's worth or abilities.  You are satisfied in the work you deliver and your sense of professionalism. You like and have a great relationship with people. I think that without positive self esteem it would be difficult to know your value. 

2) Self projecting as a Peer - equal standing with the other - You have a personal     sense of value and deservedness and assert yourself as an equal in personal and       business relationships. 

3) Recognize the difference you make - When you know your value, you will            confidently approach a negotiation with full belief in your knowledge, skills, and    experience and the difference you can make. Just for example, if you help a client    introduce a new process within their organization, you are not too consumed by      the process used but in how much they have benefited. 

4) Do not undercharge for your services - This is a classic situation where people end up doing much more than are paid to do. But, in a desire to prove themselves, these people still feel that they are not doing enough in relation to how much they are being paid. This can set a precedent which could be hard to remove. 

5) Be clear about your values - You are clear about what is acceptable behavior, how you like to be treated and spoken to, and have the courage to speck up when necessary. External validation is not needed to prove your value, instead you have an internal compass of what is right and wrong. 

6) Engage in work which is exciting and fulfilling - When you are involved in such work which is fulfilling as well as financially rewarding, you are more inclined to work with even greater commitment, I am sure that when you love what to do, you are prepared to do more and to become more. 

7) Believe that you are good enough - When you are in for a new business, you believe that you have sufficient experience, qualifications, case studies, testimonials to back up. You don't need another certification, course, degree, and further experience for validation before you feel good enough. You simply are.

Some of these indicators may move in unison with you and others may not, but in my view, being clear about your value leads to a greater sense of clarity and and confidence about who you are and what you stand for. This can be in your personal life as also in business. This confidence can be reflected in  how you interact with people, deliver service and in the fees you charge or the salary you earn. People who are confident and believe in themselves stand out. 

So, by understanding our own value, we are able to add value to our clients, employer and provide a better service to them. 

To know what you know and what you do not know, that is the true knowledge. Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will start having positive results.







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