Weaknesses and Reforms needed for UN functioning

Since its foundation in 1945, United Nations was considered as an instrument to face the most relevant global challenges emerging in the international system. Its structure and foundation was designed to curtail the negative effects of globalization, like spread of transnational threats, grant peace and security.    



As the world power has changed and the range of problems has increased, UN system has failed to adapt. This has left the UN without the political, financial (concerning money management) or resources needed to do enough to deal with the  issues we now face.


It has been seen that UN cannot interfere with the internal affairs of the country in as far as the Human rights violation is concerned. Though many times UN had proved to be successful in addressing a number of global issues in he past, it has revealed some deficiencies and weaknesses thereby making member states call for reform in terms of its structure and powers. 



UN has failed several times across the world mostly because of the right to veto at the disposal of five countries. The damning indictments, to quote a few are of UN ineffectiveness are like - Israeli occupation (1948 - Now), Kashmir dispute (1948-now), Cambodia violence (1975-1979), Somali civil war (1991-now), Rwandan civil war (1994), Srebrenica massacre ( 1995), Darfur conflict in Sudan (2003-now) etc. 






Below are the five suggestions of reform areas UN should prioritize, each of which is in desperate need for change, and each of which will require member state support to achieve. Accomplishing even just some of the below would go a long way in making the UN system more effective: - 

1. Make Human Resources, High impact Management and Accountability                    changes.

2. Transform the Development and Humanitarian assistance architectures.

3. Continue Badly needed Peacekeeping Reforms.

4. Strengthen the Conflict Prevention, Mediation and Peace Building Capabilities. 

5. Create a High Level Coordinator for  Counter Terrorism and Violent                        extremism. 

Since 1945, the veto system in UN Security Council has not been favorable for developing states in world affairs. Every state strives to maximize its own national interests in international relations. In short, the problem with security council is the lack of political will of P5 members, and their determination to keep their "Privileged Status" in the UN mechanism. This is a constraining mechanism for egalitarian decision making in the council for the rest of the world. Decision making in the council is not based on an open and equal system for all states. A group of state representatives control the Security Council, which resembles a closed gentleman's club of ambassadors. 

A revamped UN require that the Security Council be expanded in the permanent and non - permanent categories and its working methods be improved to increase transparency. 

The bright side is that in the face of multiple unprecedented threats and challenges as well as snowballing difficulties of global governance, the vast majority of UN member states are rallying around the lofty ideal: making the world a better and safer place. 

This is bringing new hopes to the UN, though a long way to go. 

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