Ranjan Sethi - My Lifetime Memories

In ancient times, the ability to memorize was a prized skill. Memory is an active, subjective, intelligent reflection process of our previous experiences.  

When I started writing my blog on May 23, 2018, I never thought of recollecting my memories and write about them. With the passage of time, while I was  searching for new topics to write about, I have thought and now attempted to say something thing about self. 

School Time Memories - My first memory goes back to time when my mother dropped me at the school on first day, I started crying as that was my first day which I have to spend at my own in the company of unknown children. This later got sorted out within next few days.  It was the school that made me realize that I am worth something, that I can be someone. Later,  I find it correct as the saying goes - That 'in the school learn as much as you can while you are young, since life becomes too busy later' as you don't have to be the best at everything, you just need to try your best.

College Time Memories - Time has come to make me realize that I am a man of struggle. First memory is for getting admission in college. I cleared my school when my age was 15 years 9 months. As per the university rules, one has to be of 16 years to become eligible for college admission. In the process, one year gone since I got admission as a casual student in another college. Later, I got admission after one year, and completed my Graduation.   

I am fortunate of being born in India in a well to do business family, shifted to India and started the same business here. It was by virtue of this reasoning, I learned Accounts and Cash management from my father - Gem of a person- who made me learn to be a honest, sincere and hardworking  person and capable of taking decisions independently and act upon.  

Memories of job -

My first memory goes with the fact that I did my job in three organisations after my studies - longest period in a Management Training Institute, which started in a rented building in New Delhi, later constructed own Campus and shifted to the same later. 

My memory of working with such institution reminds me of  Chanakya's quote which I feel as applicable in my case. Quote is -

'A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first'. 

Since such worker get finally neglected after working in such institution by making baseless excuses.                        

Now, as I close in on my 71st birthday and reflected back on various jobs I have held - there are many life lessons in addition to as mentioned above like I've had to learn the meaning or responsibility, punctuality and doing my best. I've also suffered through some tough work challenges and periods of economic uncertainty. 

The real goal and blessing of a satisfying work life is discovering what you good at, what fulfills your desires for purpose and getting the opportunity to do it. 

My current career as a Writer, Mentor, Advisor also allows me to wear many hats - husband, father, a Retired person. I am finding more meaning and purpose. It is wonderful to help people discover the importance of their stories and to preserve them. Doing the above jobs always go hand in hand for me as also getting more across the Board experience in other work domains is much satisfying.          

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