Better to get rid of Ego

Ego is essentially the sense of being a separate being from the rest of the world takes credit for accomplishments and blame others for what goes wrong. It can express just as easily as a sense of 
superiority, or a sense of being injured, as a sense of importance or a sense being neglected. The ego,however, is not what you really are. The ego is your self-image, a social mask, is the role you are playing. Social mask thrives on approval. It wants to control, sustained by power, because it lives in fear.

Inflated egos are the type of people who -
1, Who do not enjoy seeing others receive credit.
2. Never see the skills of someone else as superior to their own.
3. Must be out front, all the time.
4. Are poor communicators. Can talk but do not communicate with other people well.
5. Cannot step aside and let someone else use his talents and skills.
6. Do not understand and accept a Teamwork approach to the tasks at hand.
7. Would see the task they are involved in fail if they do not receive all or most of the credit for 
     its success.      
A calm ego is a sign of balanced and solid self- esteem, which recognizes its own limitations, so it does not need to resort constantly to the defensive attitude that is activated when a weak ego feels threatened. After all, we must not forget that a disproportionate ego is the shield behind which we try to protect our weaknesses.  

The key difference between Ego and Pride is that Ego is a sense of self importance which can lead to arrogance whereas Pride is a sense of satisfaction. When Ego begins to control you and you lose control over it, you become bossy, arrogant, brash, overconfident, hostile etc. Such egotistic person is difficult to deal with both personally and in the work environment. A little bit of overconfidence can be helpful, but larger amounts of overconfidence can lead people to make bad decisions and to miss out on opportunities to learn.

Following are few tips on how to let go of ego problems -

1. Don't get all personal about it.
2. Stop being afraid of looking silly.
3. Accept all your mistakes..
4. Knowing that you are not the best.
5. Know that Ego never dies.
6. Look at ego as if it is another human being.
7. Be thankful for the little things you have.
8. Stop bragging (excessively proud and boastful talk).
9. Compliment others.

The ego acts as toxic in our lives as it has the power to destroy you in various ways. So the early 
you get rid of your ego, the better you turn out yourself. 

An example of person sticking to his ego result into as follows - 
Person appointed at a responsible position runs away from the Board meetings and thus, shunted 
for the task, rather gets himself again appointed at the same position by the Govt. in the same 
capacity in other Govt. institution without taking into account his past records. This aspect 
must be taken into consideration so that such mistakes do not occur in future.








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