Understanding Nature, Time and Disasters
The nature of time is something to be kept in mind in understanding its place in the foundations of physics.Look deep into the nature, and then you will understand everything better. To be in a relationship with nature means to live in harmony with the natural world, respecting the laws of nature. Laws of nature are true descriptions of the world. Nature is our best friend as we live on the planet Earth which is surrounded by Nature. It provides us with the resources to live here, water to drink, food to eat, pure air to breathe and land to stay, animals, plants for other users for better and good life. Nature is the most precious gift given by God to us to enjoy. We should understand its worth and value and try to maintain its natural shape.
All problems result from the violation of natural law, problems of national health, crime, the economy, education and the environment - all problems plaguing individual and national life have their origin in the widespread violation of natural law by the whole population. In order to understand this sweeping statement, it is first necessary to understand what natural law is and how it governs the universe.
It is a fact that entire universe is governed by natural law. Over the last several centuries, modern science has identified myriad laws of nature governing behavior at all levels of the physical universe.
Nothing happens that is not the direct result of natural law: from the motion of a particle, to the evolution of life, to the functioning of entire societies. Every blink of eye, every breath, every heartbeat is governed by natural law. Natural law is as intimate to us as life itself.
Each time we utilize a natural law, we are putting nature to work for us. Natural law view holds that -
i) Natural law is given by God.
ii) It is naturally authoritative over all human beings
iii) It is naturally knowable by all human beings.
Adherence to rules of natural justice, as recognized by all states, is of supreme importance, when a quasi -judicial authority embarks on determining disputes between the parties or any administrative
or disciplinary action in question. They seem to recognized by Article 21 of the Constitution of India
which says " No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by Law". This is that procedure which is held by the courts to be the rules of natural justice. These rules are not embodied in any statute.
Only a decade ago, it was widely thought that tropical forests and intact natural environments with exotic wildlife threatened humans by harboring the viruses and pathogens that lead to new diseases in humans such as Ebola, HIV, Dengue.But, at present, it is actually humanity's destruction of biodiversity that creates the condition for new viruses and diseases such as Covid-19, the viral disease that emerged in China to arise- with profound health and economic impacts in poor and rich countries alike. A new discipline, planetary appears to have been emerging that focuses on increasingly visible connections between the well beings of humans, living things and the entire ecosystems.
We are in an era now of chronic emergency. Diseases are more likely to travel further and faster than before, which means we must be faster in our responses. It needs investments, change in human behavior and it means we must listen to people at community levels.
Covid 19 has delivered unusual environmental benefits: cleaner air, lower carbon emissions, a respite for wildlife. Now the big question is whether we can capitalize on this moment.
All problems result from the violation of natural law, problems of national health, crime, the economy, education and the environment - all problems plaguing individual and national life have their origin in the widespread violation of natural law by the whole population. In order to understand this sweeping statement, it is first necessary to understand what natural law is and how it governs the universe.
It is a fact that entire universe is governed by natural law. Over the last several centuries, modern science has identified myriad laws of nature governing behavior at all levels of the physical universe.
Nothing happens that is not the direct result of natural law: from the motion of a particle, to the evolution of life, to the functioning of entire societies. Every blink of eye, every breath, every heartbeat is governed by natural law. Natural law is as intimate to us as life itself.
Each time we utilize a natural law, we are putting nature to work for us. Natural law view holds that -
i) Natural law is given by God.
ii) It is naturally authoritative over all human beings
iii) It is naturally knowable by all human beings.
Adherence to rules of natural justice, as recognized by all states, is of supreme importance, when a quasi -judicial authority embarks on determining disputes between the parties or any administrative
or disciplinary action in question. They seem to recognized by Article 21 of the Constitution of India
which says " No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by Law". This is that procedure which is held by the courts to be the rules of natural justice. These rules are not embodied in any statute.
Only a decade ago, it was widely thought that tropical forests and intact natural environments with exotic wildlife threatened humans by harboring the viruses and pathogens that lead to new diseases in humans such as Ebola, HIV, Dengue.But, at present, it is actually humanity's destruction of biodiversity that creates the condition for new viruses and diseases such as Covid-19, the viral disease that emerged in China to arise- with profound health and economic impacts in poor and rich countries alike. A new discipline, planetary appears to have been emerging that focuses on increasingly visible connections between the well beings of humans, living things and the entire ecosystems.
We are in an era now of chronic emergency. Diseases are more likely to travel further and faster than before, which means we must be faster in our responses. It needs investments, change in human behavior and it means we must listen to people at community levels.
Covid 19 has delivered unusual environmental benefits: cleaner air, lower carbon emissions, a respite for wildlife. Now the big question is whether we can capitalize on this moment.