Fiscal Transparency For Better Economic Policy In India

Economic development projects and increased social initiatives will be vital in the coming years in India. In order to generate the revenue needed to get them off the ground. India's debt -among the highest in the emerging markets - must be reduced. Despite some improvement in reported fiscal deficits, Debt as a share of GDP remains little changed over the past decade partly due to increases
in off - budget financing.

Large public sector footprints ties up financial resources that could be drawn for private investment otherwise.  Reforms to improve Budgeting and enhance transparency n fiscal reporting have main role to play in keeping debt on a durable downward trajectory. Much of the discussions regarding fiscal policies in India focuses on its Central and State Govt. deficits. However a broader and more relevant measure of the Govt.'s fiscal position and its bearing on the economy is the Public Sector borrowing requirement which has risen to 8..5% (app.) of GDP. In other words, India's public sector needs to borrow 8.5% of the country's GDP in order to pay for services it provides.The high borrowing requirement of public sector also holds India back as it strives to catch up with more advanced countries by making private sector investments costly.  In India, net financing savings of households is lower than the public sector borrowing requirement in recent years, making that the private investment projects face stiff competition for funding, making financing more costly and preventing viable potential projects from being initiated.

In the coming years, India should recommit to Debt reduction by reducing its Public sector
borrowing requirements. Measures to enhance fiscal transparency and improve reporting will play
a vital role in  this process.

 India will have to improve collection and disclosure of information on Public Sector
enterprises, especially at the state level, in order to better anticipate possible cases of financial distress ad minimize their costs for Taxpayers. More information does not mean more transparency for citizens. Information is currently scattered over to many documents and websites, making it difficult to obtain a comprehensive account of use of public resources.
The Govt. should go forward to provide the Public with user-friendly and forward looking information and narratives and adopt a common standard to ensure that citizens in all states have equal access to Fiscal information.

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