How To Manage Pollution In Cities

Congestion and Traffic related pollution are the largest contributors to Air pollution in cities.
Rapid urbanization in developing countries has caused a large scale proliferation in Motor
Vehicle use making cities increasingly congested and subsequently polluted in developing
economies. Rapid convergence of people on cities supplies human resources which contribute
to potential economic growth but also intensifies the strain on resources such as Land, Water,
Housing and other infrastructure like Transport.

The impact of Motorized  transport can be seen in congestion, accidents, community severance
and pollution since it grows more rapidly than the available road space. Severe traffic congestion, especially during extended peak hours contributes local air pollution and leads to significant economic losses in time and fuel.The need to offset transport effects in urban areas is clearly recognized.

In the case of Delhi, following are few suggestions which, if adopted, can better the Air quality -

1)   Car pooling - Encourage people to go for car pooling, wherever possible with friends, family
2)   Use Bicycles - Mark out Bicycle lanes in residential colonies people should be encouraged to
3)   Public Transport - Encourage people to make use of public transport, shed hang ups over social
4)   More CNG vehicles - Encourage use of CNG vehicles as it is a much cleaner fuel then petrol,
5)   Fuel efficient cars - Encourage use of smaller fuel efficient cars through Road tax and Sales tax
6)   Bigger Trucks - Encourage Six-Axle trucks use to increase the pay load per truck. Must not be
      allowed to pass Delhi rather use bypass.
7)   Burning waste - Burning of tyres, leaves or any other items in the open should be made a
      punishable offence as it is a major source of pollution. Citizens should be asked to report such
      incidents by Helpline numbers, E mails.
8)   Solar power and Power back ups.
9)   Dump sites.
10) RO - RO on Roads - Scheme introduced by Railways to carry loaded trucks on goods train to
     decongest Delhi roads and to reduce pollution needs to be given a fill up and made compulsory
     for trucks which otherwise pass through Delhi.

Besides, following suggestions may give long term positive results -

1)  Providing residences to employees at places outside Delhi like in rural areas or adjoining such
     areas in Rajasthan, Haryana. With improved transportation system, it will cost cheaper than
     staying in Delhi, free from pollution. New cities will be developed and more business, jobs will
     be created.

2)  Change in office timing - bit longer than presently from 10.00 am to 5.30 pm with four days'
     working. It will certainly be cost beneficial to employees and reduce pressure on Delhi
     environment. Increase productivity.

3)  PSUs may consider shifting of their offices outside Delhi. This will not only reduce cost of 
     travel to employees a lot besides other benefits as mentioned above, but economical to such 
     organisations. This will give boost to more jobs, Rural Development, Development of new
     markets, new construction. boost to allied services sector.





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