Marketing Mistakes That Can Effect Business

Many entrepreneurs fall prey to some common marketing mistakes that can have terrifying
results for their business. Marketing is a scary concept for many businesses but it does not
have to be frightening. Correct the following seven mistakes and make your marketing work
for your business.   
These are -
1) Marketing without setting a Goal - In Digital marketing, Print marketing or Word-of-mouth,
    first thing to be established is a Goal. Start by setting specific, measurable goals for each
    marketing on "selling"campaign. Keeping this in mind, one will be better able to design
    successful marketing campaigns.

2) Neglecting your current customers - Many businesses focus on marketing Dollars on attracting
    new customers.While new customers are important, Returning customers can be even more
    valuable. Create a marketing plan to stay in touch with existing customers. Work to enhance
    their loyalty and get them to buy from you more and more often.

3) Working without a Marketing plan - No business owner wants to waste money to start marketing
    without a marketing plan in place. Know which marketing channels resonate with target audience
    and develop a plan for those channels that will achieve marketing goals. Plan should include time,
    frequency and costs so every aspect is accounted for.

4) Not asking for Sale -  Some Salespeople get so focused on "selling" the customer that they never
    ask for the sale. If the marketing talks about the product or service but does not ask for prospects
    to do anything about it, they may co nothing. Make sure every part of Marketing created has a
    call to action that ask for prospects to do something such as searching website, filling out leads

5) Expecting Instant Results -  Many Business owners shift from one marketing idea to another,
    never sticking with one marketing tactic long enough to see result. Stop chasing the latest
    marketing trend and focus on your customers. Create marketing that educates them about what
    your product or service can do for them. Promote it in the proper channels and give time to work.

6) Not monitoring results of your marketing - Without tracking results, it will be not able to know
    if marketing is working well. There is no excuse of this, today's digital marketing tools let you
    gather more data than before on how customers respond to your marketing messages. Learn to
    use analytics tools by social media platforms, E-mail marketing services and other marketing
    apps. By learning from what works and what does not, one will be able to fine tune the marketing
    message and get better results.

7) Letting your goodwill slide - Word-of-mouth has always been essential for marketing and today
    it matters more. Whether business is on B2B or B2C, one must keep tabs on its reputation. Set up
    tools to monitor online review sites and social media platforms where the business has a presence.
    Respond quickly to positive or negative posts,comments and reviews.   





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