Uses And Production Of Canola Oil

Canola was developed by Canadian Plant scientists in 1970 and has been a very important plant
crop for Canadian farmers. Canola seeds are about 43% oil. The name 'Canola' was registered as
a trademark in Canada in 1970. The name comes from 'Can' as in Canada and 'ola' as in 'oil'.This
oil is low in saturated fat and is an excellent food choice for a healthy diet. The oil from Canola
is used for cooking and baking at home, restaurants and in food processing plants. It also has non-food uses for Bio Diesel and Bio plastics.

Canola meal, its left over part after the seeds are crushed and oil extracted is used for animal feed,
pet food and fertilizer. About 15.3 million acres of Canola are harvested each year in Southern Ontario (Canada). After wheat, Barley, it is now Canada's third largest grain export. Canola is the third most widely used vegetable oil in the world after Soybean and Palm oil. It is not rapeseed oil,
it may look the same but it's nutritional make up is totally different.

These plants grow to a height of one to two meters on the farm. Canola is a plant that is a member
of a family of plants called 'Crucifers' which are easy to identify because of four yellow petals form the shape of a cross. The yellow flower produces seed pods that are 5 centimeters in length. There
is an average of 60 to 100 pods per plant. Each seed pod contains 20 to 30 tiny, round seeds which
are 1 mm. in Diameter. When it is ready to harvest, plant changes color from green to light yellow. These tiny seeds are crushed to extrude Canola oil.

From germination to seed production, the life cycle of a Canola plant takes about 3/1/2 months depending upon soil fertility, temperature, sunlight and moisture. Canola is a cool season crop. It
grows particularly well in the prairies, where cool nights and hot days allow it to develop its unique
fatty acid profile.It can be stored in a cool, dark place and will keep up to one year if tightly sealed.   

Canola's Canada industry contributes $14 billions in the economic activity of Canada. 



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