Symptoms And Treatment Of Migraine Headache - I
A migraine (Neurological disease) can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on one side of the head. It is often accompanied by vomiting, nausea and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can last hours to days and the pain can be so severe that it interferes with daily activities.
The causes of migraine is not yet known. However, the following triggers are likely to set off migraines -
1) Emotional Triggers - Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Excitement and shock can trigger a migraine.
2) Hormonal Changes - Women may experience migraine symptoms during mensuration due to
changing hormone levels.
3) Physical Causes - Tiredness and insufficient sleep, shoulder or neck tension, Poor posture and
physical over exertion have been linked to migraines. Low Blood sugar and Jet Lag can also act
as triggers.
4) Triggers in the Diet - Caffeine and Alcohol can contribute to triggering migraines. Some specific
foods can also have this effect including chocolates, cheese, citrus fruits and foods containing
Additive tyramine. Irregular meal times and dehydration have also been the potential triggers.
5) Medications - Some sleeping pills, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) medications and the
combined contraceptive pills have all been named as possible triggers.
6) Triggers in the Environment - Flickering screens, strong smells, second hand smoking and loud
noises can sett off a migraine. Stuffy rooms, temperature changes and bright lights are also
possible triggers.
Treatment is aimed at preventing a full -blown attack, alleviating the symptoms that occur, though
there is no single cure for migraines. Life style alterations that might help reduce the frequency of migraines include -
1. Getting enough sleep.
2. Drinking plenty of water
3. Reducing stress.
4. Avoiding certain foods.
5. Regular physical exercise.
Some people also find that special Diets can help, such as Gluten free.
Consider seeking further treatment if the above causes do not relieve the symptoms or frequency of migraines. The treatment of migraine symptoms focuses on avoiding triggers, controlling symptoms and taking medicines.
Migraines are often managed through a course of medication. Pain killers should be taken early in
the progress of a migraine rather than allowing headache to develop. Over the counter (OTC) medications effective for treating migraine include -
Ask Doctor before taking these medicines.
There are several medications and supplements that help prevent migraine attacks -
1. Antidepressant
2. Coenzyme Q10
3. Herbal extracts e.g. Feverfew
4. Vitamin B12 supplements
5. Magnesium Citrate
6. Riboflavin
Further prevention and treatment procedure - in next post.
The causes of migraine is not yet known. However, the following triggers are likely to set off migraines -
1) Emotional Triggers - Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Excitement and shock can trigger a migraine.
2) Hormonal Changes - Women may experience migraine symptoms during mensuration due to
changing hormone levels.
3) Physical Causes - Tiredness and insufficient sleep, shoulder or neck tension, Poor posture and
physical over exertion have been linked to migraines. Low Blood sugar and Jet Lag can also act
as triggers.
4) Triggers in the Diet - Caffeine and Alcohol can contribute to triggering migraines. Some specific
foods can also have this effect including chocolates, cheese, citrus fruits and foods containing
Additive tyramine. Irregular meal times and dehydration have also been the potential triggers.
5) Medications - Some sleeping pills, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) medications and the
combined contraceptive pills have all been named as possible triggers.
6) Triggers in the Environment - Flickering screens, strong smells, second hand smoking and loud
noises can sett off a migraine. Stuffy rooms, temperature changes and bright lights are also
possible triggers.
Treatment is aimed at preventing a full -blown attack, alleviating the symptoms that occur, though
there is no single cure for migraines. Life style alterations that might help reduce the frequency of migraines include -
1. Getting enough sleep.
2. Drinking plenty of water
3. Reducing stress.
4. Avoiding certain foods.
5. Regular physical exercise.
Some people also find that special Diets can help, such as Gluten free.
Consider seeking further treatment if the above causes do not relieve the symptoms or frequency of migraines. The treatment of migraine symptoms focuses on avoiding triggers, controlling symptoms and taking medicines.
Migraines are often managed through a course of medication. Pain killers should be taken early in
the progress of a migraine rather than allowing headache to develop. Over the counter (OTC) medications effective for treating migraine include -
Ask Doctor before taking these medicines.
There are several medications and supplements that help prevent migraine attacks -
1. Antidepressant
2. Coenzyme Q10
3. Herbal extracts e.g. Feverfew
4. Vitamin B12 supplements
5. Magnesium Citrate
6. Riboflavin
Further prevention and treatment procedure - in next post.