Retain Your Confidence

It is common to lose some confidence as one become older and body changes and face life-altering
events like Retirement, Health issues and loss of loved ones. A person's level of confidence and self-esteem peaks during middle age and tends to decline after Sixty.

The following five strategies can help to gain greater confidence and realize that the best days may still lie ahead. It can make men more withdrawn, less active, and more fearful about everyday events such as: driving and handling technology as they begin to believe that they can't live like they once did.

A person's level of confidence and self-esteem typically follows a Bell curve. It gradually rises during late teen years, peaks during middle age, and tends to decline after the age of Sixty. The main reason for this pattern is that midlife is when people typically occupy highest positions of power, status and importance. They are working, involved in relationships and more adventurous about trying new things. In contrast, older adults often lose these roles as they enter the later stages of life.

The best way to regain confidence is to remind yourself of your capabilities, address the obstacles
that keep you away from feeling confident and work around these obstacles. Don't feel badly if you
can't do everything you once did or at the same level or intensity. The goal is to focus on what you
can do now and build from there. This will help to show that one have much to offer and can still enjoy an active, satisfying life.

As mentioned, the five strategies that can help to gain greater confidence are:

1) Learn something - Activities like studying a foreign language, painting, playing an instrument,
    taking writing classes, dance classes, help tap into the natural desire to learn and master new
 2) Look good - When you look good, you feel good so take pride in your appearance. Make a point
    to practice good hygiene and dress up in the morning like you were going to work.
3) Challenge yourself physically - Create a plan of execution and then work to meet the goal. Any
    form of exercise, great or small, is beneficial for both physical and mental health.
4) Stay connected - Personal connections help reduce the risks of depression and anxiety often
    associated with feelings of low self esteem. Lack of confidence can make socializing a challenge.
    So, choose something you enjoy which also provides personal interaction and gives a chance to
    use your skills. Another option is to create men's group. This type of  group dynamic is great
   because many men share the same issues, like health problems or changes in financial status.
   Working through these issues helps in feeling less alone in own struggles.
5)Seek help - Group therapy or one-to-one counselling can help in working through obstacles that
   affects confidence. Never be hesitant to seek professional help, when needed.

The lesson is - Don't let your age dictate whether or not you have the right ability, skill, or desire
to succeed at something.




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