Preventing Neck Pain
You may be encouraging, without knowing, Neck pain by the way performing daily activities. In most cases, pain occurs due to a muscle strain or another benign case. In general, try to keep your head balanced directly over your spine, so it is not leaning forward or cocked to one side. That's because neck's main job is to support your head, and your head weighs about 10-12 pounds. Even without a clearly diagnosed cause, today's treatment can effectively relieve neck pain and help you learn how to prevent its return.
Here are some hints for achieving a healthy neck posture in common activities -
1) At the Desk or Computer - Keep your head balanced directly over your spine as much as possible.
That means setting your chair height so both your feet can rest on the ground and sitting with
your buttocks far back in your chair using a small pillow, if needed, to support your lower back.
Properly adjusting the key Board and monitor with a Laptop, Notebook or Tablet may be difficult.
You can plug-in a separate full - size keyboard to help you achieve better positioning. No matter
how perfect is your office chair posture, it's important to get up and have around every half
hour as prolonged sitting has been linked to worsening the neck pain and other health problems.
Stretching can help too.
2) Telephone use - If you spend lot of time on phone, try to avoid leaning your head to one side.
This is also important when using phone and are not sitting on your desk while you speak. A
Headset, Ear phone or Speaker phone are good options to help keep your head in a neutral
position for hands-free talking. Avoid tucking the phone between ear and shoulder while talking.
3) Reading at home - Try to make upright posture when you are sitting in a chair. Hold the book so
that you don't have to lean down or forward to see it. A pillow on lap may help. If reading in the
bed, sit up straight or use a specially designed pillow or lie down on your side with straight neck
and hold book in front of you.
Here are some hints for achieving a healthy neck posture in common activities -
1) At the Desk or Computer - Keep your head balanced directly over your spine as much as possible.
That means setting your chair height so both your feet can rest on the ground and sitting with
your buttocks far back in your chair using a small pillow, if needed, to support your lower back.
Properly adjusting the key Board and monitor with a Laptop, Notebook or Tablet may be difficult.
You can plug-in a separate full - size keyboard to help you achieve better positioning. No matter
how perfect is your office chair posture, it's important to get up and have around every half
hour as prolonged sitting has been linked to worsening the neck pain and other health problems.
Stretching can help too.
2) Telephone use - If you spend lot of time on phone, try to avoid leaning your head to one side.
This is also important when using phone and are not sitting on your desk while you speak. A
Headset, Ear phone or Speaker phone are good options to help keep your head in a neutral
position for hands-free talking. Avoid tucking the phone between ear and shoulder while talking.
3) Reading at home - Try to make upright posture when you are sitting in a chair. Hold the book so
that you don't have to lean down or forward to see it. A pillow on lap may help. If reading in the
bed, sit up straight or use a specially designed pillow or lie down on your side with straight neck
and hold book in front of you.