Famous Deserts Of The World

A desert is an Arid, barren land with little vegetation. Essentially uninhabited Deserts make up roughly one-third of planet's land area. Deserts are no less inhospitable today than in the past. Modern methods of transportation allows to take a close-up look on these regions which were considered extremely difficult in the past -impossible to reach.
These are : -
1)  NAMIB DESERT - At an age of 43 million years is widely accounted for the world's oldest
     desert  is located on the coast of Southern Africa. A diverse set of animals live here, many of
     which exist  nowhere in the Planet. This desert overlays coastal Namibia extending to Angola
     and South Africa.
2)  SAHARA DESERT - This desert, which carpets a large part of Northern Africa is the third
      largest desert in the world. Winds and sporadic rainfall have shaped the Sahara into a landscape
      of dunes,Valleys, Flats and Sand Seas. Oasis infringe on parched expanse nourished by water
      from desert's underground aquifers.
3)  BLACK ROCK DESERT - Found in Nevada, this desert is famous for being the site of Burning
     man, an annual week long event that sees construction of Black Rock city, where burners reside
    during the festival before all traces of it are removed till the following year. Much of the desert
    is composed of Lava beds and Alkali flats.
4)  ATACAMA DESERT - A plateau spanning Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile is deemed the
     driest non - polar desert in the world. It measures 600 miles in length and covers an area of over
     40,000 Sq. miles.
5)  GOBI DESERT- It spans parts of China and Mongolia, once encompassing some of the notable
     cities along the Silk Road. Gobi is 'home' to the Mongolian death worm, a cryptid described as
     a red worm, two to five feet in length that locals claim can spew acid to kill its prey.
6)  NEGEV DESERT - A desert covers 55% of Israel's land area, life in Negev dates back to 7000
     years, settled by Nomads Romans and others.
7)  MOJAVE DESERT - It sits at an elevation of 282 ft. below sea level, making it lowest part of
     North America. Las Vegas, Nevada is Mojave largest city.
8)  ANTARCTIC DESERT - Classified as a desert with no permanent residents, perhaps the least
9)  SONORAN DESERT -  Rocky desert - Across Arizona, California and Mexico.
10)THAR DESERT - Covering 77,000 sq. miles forming a geographical border between India
      and Pakistan. Its age and formation are a matter of debate.
11) RUB' AL KHALI - Centerpiece of Arabian desert, red dunes, known as empty quarter-
      temperature reach as high as 133 degrees Fahrenheit.




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