European Union
The idea of co-operation across European borders came after Second World War. After signing the
Maastricht treaty in 1992. European Union was born on 1st November 1993. Brussels was not the only candidate to harbor the new European institutions, Strasbourg, The Hague, Liege, and Saarbrucken were all proposed as hosts. Eventually, Brussels was chosen for various reasons, like, historical buffer state between France and Germany, located on the borders between Latin and Germanic cultures, located between cities like London, Paris, major metropolitan region in Germany and the Dutch cities.
The European Commission, Council of the European council and the European council are all located in the European quarter in Brussels. This is the area between three parks - Leopold park, Brussels park and the Cinquantenaire park.
During my visit to Brussels recently, I have visited EU Parliamentarian office. It is the place where decisions taken have an impact on daily life of 500 million Europeans. A visit to their exhibition gives a 360 Degree cinematic experience of its functioning which describes their motto " United in Diversity" with 28 member countries represented by 751 members using 24 official languages. While walking through a tunnel of voices on the remotes given to visitors at the entrance itself explains the track record of 50 years of long and often troubled history of Europe's integration.
The system starts with exploring the current issues and future challenges facing the citizens of the European Union and its institutions. Then it is over to the 'Chairs' of all Political groups as they present their ideas for Europe's future. One can make a mark by making own wish for the future which is projected onto the interactive walls at the end of the exhibition.
Worth a visit.
Maastricht treaty in 1992. European Union was born on 1st November 1993. Brussels was not the only candidate to harbor the new European institutions, Strasbourg, The Hague, Liege, and Saarbrucken were all proposed as hosts. Eventually, Brussels was chosen for various reasons, like, historical buffer state between France and Germany, located on the borders between Latin and Germanic cultures, located between cities like London, Paris, major metropolitan region in Germany and the Dutch cities.
The European Commission, Council of the European council and the European council are all located in the European quarter in Brussels. This is the area between three parks - Leopold park, Brussels park and the Cinquantenaire park.
During my visit to Brussels recently, I have visited EU Parliamentarian office. It is the place where decisions taken have an impact on daily life of 500 million Europeans. A visit to their exhibition gives a 360 Degree cinematic experience of its functioning which describes their motto " United in Diversity" with 28 member countries represented by 751 members using 24 official languages. While walking through a tunnel of voices on the remotes given to visitors at the entrance itself explains the track record of 50 years of long and often troubled history of Europe's integration.
The system starts with exploring the current issues and future challenges facing the citizens of the European Union and its institutions. Then it is over to the 'Chairs' of all Political groups as they present their ideas for Europe's future. One can make a mark by making own wish for the future which is projected onto the interactive walls at the end of the exhibition.
Worth a visit.