How To Grow Bonsai Cherry Tree
The best type of Cherry tree for growing indoors is a Bonsai variety. The options to be kept in mind is that sweet cherries are good for eating fresh but acid cherries are good for cooking. If decided to grow cherry tree from a seed, it is best to get one from Farmers market or off a local tree, as store -bought cherries are not reliable due to the way they are stored.
When Cherry tree is grown from a pit, it can take four to five years or longer before starting to produce any fruit.
Germinate Cherry Seeds
To grow a Cherry tree from a pit, clean the seeds so there is no fruit remaining on them and dry them out. Put the seeds in a sealable container and fill it with soil so the seeds are covered. Put this container in the fridge for 2 to 4 months and time it so early spring to remove them. After removing seeds from the fridge, give them water for first time and them to a brighter warm area. Keep the soil moist during this period and move the seedlings to a sunnier area as the shoots start to emerge. When the seedlings have least two sets of leaves it's time to transfer it to a pot or container (do this process with multiple pits as they are not all guaranteed to start growing.
The pot or container chosen for tree, should be decided after keeping in mind that, bigger the pot bigger the tree can grow. A 15 Gallon pot or Container will be ideal for a five Ft. tree. One can put
pot on a trolley before filling it if planning to moving it about. Smaller pot and repot can be done for
Dwarf tree as it grows. Put a layer of stones at the bottom of pot to encourage good drainage. Put some soil in the pot so that when tree placed in it, it should be one or four inches below the surface.
Use basic potting soil or mix one part sand, one part peat and one part perlite. Mulch top soil with bark or shingles to help soil retain moisture. Cherry trees requires six hours of direct sunlight to thrive. More sunlight better. Use LED light on a timer to give extra sunlight. Potted trees will dry
out quickly. than if planted in a garden. Good soaking is required few times a week. Monitor if it needs more or less. Temperature required is 40 to 45 Degrees F during winter months. Use organic seaweed fertilizers. Avoid feed heavy in Nitrogen. Beware of Bacteria and fungal problems by cutting off infected branches immediately.
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When Cherry tree is grown from a pit, it can take four to five years or longer before starting to produce any fruit.
Germinate Cherry Seeds
To grow a Cherry tree from a pit, clean the seeds so there is no fruit remaining on them and dry them out. Put the seeds in a sealable container and fill it with soil so the seeds are covered. Put this container in the fridge for 2 to 4 months and time it so early spring to remove them. After removing seeds from the fridge, give them water for first time and them to a brighter warm area. Keep the soil moist during this period and move the seedlings to a sunnier area as the shoots start to emerge. When the seedlings have least two sets of leaves it's time to transfer it to a pot or container (do this process with multiple pits as they are not all guaranteed to start growing.
The pot or container chosen for tree, should be decided after keeping in mind that, bigger the pot bigger the tree can grow. A 15 Gallon pot or Container will be ideal for a five Ft. tree. One can put
pot on a trolley before filling it if planning to moving it about. Smaller pot and repot can be done for
Dwarf tree as it grows. Put a layer of stones at the bottom of pot to encourage good drainage. Put some soil in the pot so that when tree placed in it, it should be one or four inches below the surface.
Use basic potting soil or mix one part sand, one part peat and one part perlite. Mulch top soil with bark or shingles to help soil retain moisture. Cherry trees requires six hours of direct sunlight to thrive. More sunlight better. Use LED light on a timer to give extra sunlight. Potted trees will dry
out quickly. than if planted in a garden. Good soaking is required few times a week. Monitor if it needs more or less. Temperature required is 40 to 45 Degrees F during winter months. Use organic seaweed fertilizers. Avoid feed heavy in Nitrogen. Beware of Bacteria and fungal problems by cutting off infected branches immediately.
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