REIKI treatment - Part II

To begin Reiki practice, you must activate energy within yourself. Close your eyes and take a few rounds of deep breathing. Imagine the crown of your head opening and a stream of healing white light flowing from the top of your head, into your heart, and out through your arms and hands.
The ability to learn Reiki is not dependent on intellectual capacity, nor does one have to be able to meditate. It is simply passed on from teacher to student. The feeling of being connected directly to God's healing love and protection is clearly apparent.

To administer Reiki, a practitioner channels life force energy through his or her hands unto another.
It is said that the aforementioned spiritual guidance enables the Reiki to flow through the affected parts of the subject's energy field and charges them with positive energy. It raises awareness in and around the physical body where negative thoughts and feelings are contained. This causes the negative energy such as - Stress, Anxiety, Physical pain, Sadness, Confusion etc. to loosen its grip,
allowing the touch of the Reiki healer to swoop in and clarify energy pathways.

Reiki is different from almost all other healing modalities. It is actually transferred to each student
from a Reiki master during Attunement process. Reiki attunement is a process/ technique performed by the Reiki teacher in order to activate the Reiki symbols introduced in the energy field of the student at the level of Head and in the middle of palms. Some dietary restrictions are to be
adhered to before the start of the treatment. After attunement, it will take two to three weeks for
the changes in energy field to stabilize. This way they can improve state of their energy field and can work on other people too.

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