Effect Of Nuclear Energy On Environment Part -II

In continuation of my earlier note on the subject, I am to add the following -
There are other energy sources that are highly effective without the huge risks of Nuclear pollution or irradiation - Geothermal sources, Ocean currents, Tidal waves, wind and waterfalls all make alternative power solutions that should not be neglected. Environment -friendly electricity is one of the chances this Planet has to survive.

Attempts have been made by an American company to build a Radioactive Storage Facility on Marshall Islands ignoring the even higher potential threats for nuclear pollution under the circumstances of a growing sea level. Such solution may appear convenient from a certain point but from a wider point of view, irresponsibility is obvious.

Nuclear power is a power, generally electrical produced from controlled, that is non - explosive nuclear reactions. 15% of world's electricity in 2009 came from nuclear power,despite concerns
about safety and radioactive waste management. More than 150 Naval vessels using nuclear power
have been built.

Nuclear radiation is nothing more than emission of energy waves through space, as well as through physical objects. The actual radioactivity is a result of radioactive decay.
The three types of radiation with varying abilities to penetrate objects and bodies are - Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation. One can shield from Alpha radiation by something as flimsy as a sheet of paper. Beta rays needs six millimeters of aluminum and Gamma rays are stopped by dense material only like Lead. They travel easily through an inch of lead. Higher you are in the earth's atmosphere, more you are exposed to these rays because the further they travel in to our atmosphere, more they are slowed down. Astronauts are exposed to high levels of cosmic radiation.
Nuclear power has developed into a mature and commercial reality with its part of success and threats. Although Nuclear power can be used to generate electricity in an environment friendly manner, it is a subject of controversies owing to the threats related to it. 

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