Effect Of Nuclear Energy On Environment - Part 1

Nuclear energy contributes a very small amount of emissions in the atmosphere which can cause many environment problems such as Global warming. Uranium (used as fuel) is not burned in a Nuclear power plant as coal is so there is no emission from it. Carbon Dioxide are emitted in activities related to building and running the plants. The process of mining Uranium releases high amounts of carbon dioxide in the environment. Any undesirable effect caused to the environment due to radioactive substances or radiations is called nuclear pollution. If traces of radioactive substances are present in the water released from plant, it will cause pollution. It effects almost all forms in the surrounding environment. From Plank tons to Human beings nothing is spared. To be more specific, radiation can cause mutations that lead to cancer and the dose of radiation or level of pollution determines lethality or how deadly it is.

However, Nuclear Pollution is extremely hazardous in nature. It occurs as a result of explosions that are performed while conducting nuclear tests. These tests are carried out to invent better nuclear weapons. The explosions cause release of 15% to 20% of radioactive material into the stratosphere.
i.e. a layer of the earth's atmosphere above the troposphere). On entering is layer, they start falling into the earth's atmosphere. This fall can take anywhere from six months to several years. 5% of these radioactive particles enter Troposphere (lowest region of atmosphere extending from Earth's surface to a height of six to ten Kms. (Lowest boundary of stratosphere.

The smallest particles of radioactive material are called fallout which settles on leaves of plants and trees. These leaves are eaten by the grazing animals. Radioactive material now enters the ecosystem.
Humans consumes these particles through the process of food chain. Serious health problems now arise. Ingestion of radioactive material can lead to cancer and genetic mutation in humans. Fall outs that do not drop on leaves accumulate over the sea, which can be harmful to sea life and ultimately
effects the humans.

Radioactive contamination or Nuclear pollution is the most dangerous for the environment since the waste maintain their radioactive properties for thousands of years. There is no way to have them assimilated in the soil, water or the air in the initial form.

Reprocessing is solution to extent of nuclear pollution and clear the Planet increasingly residues. The highest likelihood of Radioactive elements reaching open environment is by accident during the transportation to the Reprocessing plants located in some parts of the Globe. Reprocessing in itself causes other pollution problems adding other risks to an already fragile environment condition.
Presently no country has solved efficiently the issue of Nuclear pollution in terms of radioactive waste shortage. Every state would like to send the residues to some other place and be rid of them, while no truly visible conclusion is reached.
Nuclear pollution is not the only hazard that comes together with the use of Radioactive Energy - mass population are jeopardized if something happens to a reactor, as it was the case with Russian Chernobyl for instance.             

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