Understanding Breaking Codes Of Enigma Machine
'Enigma' is defined as 'A person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand'. The Enigma is considered important is its historical context. It was a widely used Cryptographic machine in Nazi submarine warfare, which was a key part of European conflict. The best cryptography, the Enigma machine is simple to describe but infuriating to break. Enigma looked from outside like an oversized typewriter.
The Turing Test - This test was framed by Alan Turing, born in 1912, was an English Mathematician and Computer Scientist is considered to be father of Computer Science. He proposed a concept of computer machine which is regarded as a model of modern computer. He played a significant role during World War II where he with his team build a machine to decode German ciphers. The success of the code breaking work helped Allies to defeat the Nazis. It is estimated that his work saved over 14 million lives.
The Enigma machine was a piece of German engineering that encrypted messages using a complex set of rules that allowed to scramble a message in a quasi - random manner that meant the only way to decrypt it would be to have the exact setting of the machine used to write the codes. The machine be programmed with the same settings, type in the encrypted message, and the original message pops out. It is like the codes one makes in where 'T' means 'B' and so on, only instead of 'T' always meaning 'B', 'T' is a different letter every single time it is pressed. This is achieved through an incredibly complicated method that includes a Plug Board that does the Direct 'Letter to Letter' transfer, then a number of different rotors that change that letter into another letter and then an input that changes the frequency with which the Rotor shift. All those different elements combined mean that one quickly get millions and then hundreds of millions of different possible outcomes.
The code was generated from the sentence 'German is a beautiful language'and ended up with over 52 Billion different combinations on letters that needed decrypting. which AI did in 12 minutes and 50 seconds.
Unlike the traditional method of cracking the code, AI was trained to look for German language and then work out the statistical probability of the sentence decrypted being the accurate original based on how 'German' it was, using 2000 cloud servers to do the calculations. Data scientists are of the view how same probability analysis can be used to detect cancer, decide if some one should get a loan or if one wants to crack the passwords.
What's really interesting is that AI is able to not only complete tasks given but also independently decide on its own parameters to search for valuable information.
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The Turing Test - This test was framed by Alan Turing, born in 1912, was an English Mathematician and Computer Scientist is considered to be father of Computer Science. He proposed a concept of computer machine which is regarded as a model of modern computer. He played a significant role during World War II where he with his team build a machine to decode German ciphers. The success of the code breaking work helped Allies to defeat the Nazis. It is estimated that his work saved over 14 million lives.
The Enigma machine was a piece of German engineering that encrypted messages using a complex set of rules that allowed to scramble a message in a quasi - random manner that meant the only way to decrypt it would be to have the exact setting of the machine used to write the codes. The machine be programmed with the same settings, type in the encrypted message, and the original message pops out. It is like the codes one makes in where 'T' means 'B' and so on, only instead of 'T' always meaning 'B', 'T' is a different letter every single time it is pressed. This is achieved through an incredibly complicated method that includes a Plug Board that does the Direct 'Letter to Letter' transfer, then a number of different rotors that change that letter into another letter and then an input that changes the frequency with which the Rotor shift. All those different elements combined mean that one quickly get millions and then hundreds of millions of different possible outcomes.
The code was generated from the sentence 'German is a beautiful language'and ended up with over 52 Billion different combinations on letters that needed decrypting. which AI did in 12 minutes and 50 seconds.
Unlike the traditional method of cracking the code, AI was trained to look for German language and then work out the statistical probability of the sentence decrypted being the accurate original based on how 'German' it was, using 2000 cloud servers to do the calculations. Data scientists are of the view how same probability analysis can be used to detect cancer, decide if some one should get a loan or if one wants to crack the passwords.
What's really interesting is that AI is able to not only complete tasks given but also independently decide on its own parameters to search for valuable information.
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