Artificial Intelligence, Social Media & Elections

Advances in Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics are propelling innovation in many parts of the world. China, for example, has committed $150 Billion of becoming World leader by 2030, USA
$1.1 billion only in Non-classified Artificial Intelligence Research. Its private sector is spending billions in the field from Finance, Healthcare to retail and Defence. India is playing catch-up in these vital areas. It devotes only 0.6% of GDP in R&D. With the rise of A.I. start ups & increased  around
policy making, the arrival of A.I politicians is not a big surprise.

There has never been a better time to be a Politician. But it is even better to be a Machine Learning
Engineer working for a politician. Politicians have a limited number of tools to gauge the temperature of the electorate. More often than not, they had to rely on instinct rather than insight while contesting.

Big Data can be used to maximise the effectiveness of the campaign. The next level will be using Artificial Intelligence in election campaigns & political life. Artificial Intelligence can be used to run campaigns in an ethical and legitimate way It can be used to listen what people have to say & their voices are being heard clearly by their elected representatives. Based on these insights, micro targeting campaigns can be deployed that help to educate voters on variety of political issues to help them to make their own mind.

The use of Artificial Intelligence technique in politics is not going away anytime soon. It is too valuable to politicians and their campaign. They should commit to using Artificial Intelligence ethically and judiciously to ensure that their attempts to sway voters do not end up undermining

The advantage of Artificial Intelligence lies in its ability to predict the future. For example, MogIA -
an Artificial Intelligence based system which has correctly predicted the results of  US elections of
2008,2012 and 2016 much before the results are announced.

Social media tools are extremely influential in giving people a voice in the policies being discussed that swayed the outcome of elections. People wanting change & were not afraid to share their opinions in a public conversation and the global discussion encouraged others to step into polling booths to cast their ballots.

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