Artificial Intelligence - Use of Data in Elections

 The advent of Big Data and its application in Political elections campaigns changed the old
tendency of gauging the sentiments of electorate.  Its use is to maximise the effectiveness of
Machine learning systems of a election campaign. With the use of statistical techniques the
system can automatically identify different patterns in Data inserted in the system.
First time, Big Data was used in U.S. elections in 2012. The scale of the campaign was huge and involved analysis of every detail of voters including their sentiments, behavioral patterns and everything that could impact their voting preferences. The campaign leveraged data from Social
Media, Web TV, Mobile Tele-calling etc. The campaign involved statistician, predictive modelers,
software programs. The information aggregated using multiple Data sets were integrated under a
common platform, diced, sliced and analysed to the minutest detail. The benefits derived out of
this exercise is as under:
1) Data Analytics help to study demographic patterns of states, social and economic density of
    urban and rural areas, analyse voting patterns as also do efficient polling booth management.
2) Data helps in digging and understanding issues faced by majority of people. It identifies what
    problem tops the list and design campaign around it e.g. for lack of jobs, education problems,
    safety/security of women, children, roads, sewerage etc. Thus, message is created to address
    majority of electorate.
3) Its aim is to get the voters who do not vote to come out and vote as also first time voters
    Democracies have seen success due to aggressive Digital engagement strategies by political
4) On Global level, even TV channels have adopted Data Analytics in a race to predict winners
     before hand e.g. CNN-IBN got together with Microsoft harnessed Data Analytics to track
    the U.S. Presidential elections. Same trend is expected in India also.
 Big Data and improvement in computer technology have become a crucial part of election campaigns. Social media has been a very convenient way for Politicians to connect with masses thereby giving rise to lot of Data being stored at various levels.


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