Artificial Intelligence in FMCG sales

Artificial Intelligence enables sales people to predict where sales potential is highest and where opportunities emerge in changing market conditions. Artificial Intelligence on sales has an important but specific role as we see in the solutions and actual usage of Artificial Intelligence in sales.
A summary of Artificial Intelligence functions are:-
1) Help in predicting/ seeing where sales revenue & closing potential most likely; yet in the end it is        for the Sales Rep. to judge
2) Help in mining & going through all actions integrated in sales & marketing area to find out
    interesting prospects and opportunities.
3) Enhance sales productivity by removing administrative & repetitive tasks as tackled before, of
    course it is for the sales people to stop hiding behind the "we have too much to do" as well.
4) Help close gap between marketing and sales lead scoring. This is not a benefit of Artificial
     intelligence but requirement if one want to use one of the larger A.I. solutions for sales and
     marketing where information of many areas is the key.
5) Increase overall sales intelligence and insight by not going through all kinds of customer oriented
    actions but also getting faster insights the trends which lead to market opportunities.

Given below are few of the platforms as to how A.I. can be used effectively in sales-
 1) Conversia - Mainly for larger businesses (High value deals). It is a virtual Sales Assistant for
      intelligent Lead engagement, messaging & identification. It can be used in conjunction with
      other platforms.
2) Inside - Used from opportunity scores to predictive forecasting.
3) Tact - is mainly about interacting through voice (command), touch and mobile without having
     to log into CRM and automating a series of tasks.
4) Gong - A conversation intelligent platform for sales, analyses the calls & Demos sales people
     conduct. Its typical application is coaching and sales call efficiency management.
  There are more Sales Applications using A.I. for various purposes, including some easily
  affordable for individuals who want to enhance specific task.




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