Artificial intelligence and Robotics

Robots and Artificial intelligence serve different purposes. These two fields are entirely different.
Robots are entirely programmable machines able to carry out one or more tasks automatically with
speed and precision. The three factors which constitute a Robot are - Interaction with physical world
via sensors and activators, Programming, autonomous and semi- autonomous functions.
There is no standard definition of Robot thinking which requires Artificial Intelligence. As well,
a Robot involves designing, building and programming physical Robots. Only a small part of it requires a part of Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science involving development of computer programs
which would require human intelligence. Artificial Robots act as bridge between Robotics and A.I.
These Robots are controlled by A.I. programs. Many Robots are not artificially intelligent since they
were programmed only to do repetitive movements, so do not require A.I. Robots are autonomous
and semi-autonomous machines as they act independently of external commands. In some cases,
only a small part of it has some level of A.I.

For example, a robot can programmed to pick up a object & place it at a different place. It will continue with the same function unless switched off. Since this is an autonomous function Robots
does not require any human input after it has been programmed. So task does not require A.I.
However, if Robot is to detect and pick the object & place it at a different place, it requires
specialized vision program to recognize different types of objects. Use of A.I. Algorithms called
Template matching is to be used. 

Algorithms manage Learning, Perception, Problem solving, Language understanding and logical
reasoning. Even when A.I. is used to control Robots, its algorithms are only part of large Robotic
system which includes Sensors, Actuators & non-A.I. programming. A.I. sometimes involves
some machine learning, where an algorithm is trained to respond to a particular input.

The key factor which differentiates A.I. from Programming is the word " intelligence". Non A.I.
programs carry out a defined structure of instructions. A.I. contains some level of Human intelligence.

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