Organic Strawberry Farming

Strawberries are most popular small fruit grown in home gardens. They are rich in minerals and vitamins. They have 18 different Amino acids loaded with flavonoids. They are relatively easy to grow and they can fit in small spaces or fill huge garden plots. Growing strawberries does not
require any specialized equipment. They can be grown in a pot, container, deck, porch or balcony.

The biggest benefit of strawberries is their perennial nature. One can reap rewards for years after
planting Strawberries with minimal effort. After planting year with proper care, each plant can
produce full quant of strawberries. Most of these plants multiply themselves. A first time
purchase of 25 plants turns into 250 plants after one year.
It can be grown from seeds as well. Seeds can be kept in well lighted room in direct sunlight for
2-3 weeks when it should germinate.Soil be kept moist, slightly acidic, well lighted and warm.
Strawberries are grown best in Temperate climate  It requires exposure to about 10 days of less
than 8 hours sunshine for initiation of flowering in winter. In Spring season when days are longer
& temperature rises, plants continue to grow and start flowering.

Presence of high calcium in soil causes yellowing of leaves. In light soil and rich in organic
matter, Runner formation is better. It is better to plant it in green manured field. Best time of
planting in hilly areas is Sept.- Oct. If planted late, Runners develop in March with light crops.
Land for planting should be prepared by deep Ploughing  and harrowing. Liberal quantities of
organic manure should be used. Planting distance varies according to variety & type of Land.
In the hilly areas, spacing of 30cm + 30cm is ideal with 22000 plants per acre is considered
ideal. from Row-to-Row order with 25-50 tonnes of farm yard manure in line with the type
of soil and variety be planted. In cold climate, soil is covered with Mulch to protect from cold.
It keeps fruit free from soil, decay of fruits, conserves moisture. It requires frequent but less
amount of water in each irrigation.
Harvesting should be done daily in the morning since it is a perishable.


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