Avenues of job creation

The ability to create jobs, future growth is built up on free market. It is to be noted that every truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is opposed and third it is self evident.The purpose of mentioning is that these facts are to be kept in mind while going through what is stated  now. Also, these issues shall give better results and shall gain importance if implemented in time, otherwise it shall lose its glare.
 Following activities shall give a boost to job creation.

1) Renovation, refurbishing of old forts, palaces lying unused for decades in the states and convert          and develop them as Tourist spots. It will certainly create jobs, increase tourism and earnings
    (even foreign exchange) for the state. Development as also their maintenance will create more job
    prospects. It will also create development in the adjoining areas and could be a source of earning
   for the people.

2) Manpower to be used for reconstruction of the damages caused by recent floods (a annual event)
     in the rural and urban areas. Jobs can be created for making bends, curves and digging river
     beds to ensure smooth water flows of rivers and their water carrying capacities.It will save urban
     and rural areas from getting flooded every year. Water flows can be diverted to the areas which
     have water scarcity and help in irrigation of deserts. This activity has a huge employment
    potential for maintaining these services as well.

 3) Increasing production by establishing new production units instead of using money for
    acquisition/ mergers of both private/ public sector industries.

Action on the above shall, with the passage of time will not only provide jobs but boost trade and development to make Indian products competitive in the world market as well.                  


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