Functioning of Brain in Human body

Brain - a complex organ weighing about 3 pounds in an average adult is about 60% fat, remaining 40% is a combination of Carbohydrates, Salt, Protein and Water. Brain, not a muscle contains blood vessels and nerves including neurons and cells. It controls memory, thoughts, touch, emotion, vision, breathing, motor skills, temprature, hunger and every process that regulates our body. The brain and spinal cord that extends from it make up central nervous system. 

The Brain consists of three main structures - Cerebrum, Cerebellum and Brain stem. Brain communicates with the majority of body through spinal cord. 

Cerebrum - Located at the front and top up of the skull is the largest part of brain which controls muscle functions, concious and unconcious behaviors, sensory information, memory and intelligence, reading, writing, learning. It comprise two types of tissues - Grey matter and White matter. Grey matter forms surface of each cerebral hemisphere associated with cognition and processing. White matter consists bulk of deeper parts of the brain. It consists of glial cells and myelinated axons connecting with various grey matter areas. It initiates and coordinates movement and regulates temperature. It also enables speech, judgement, reasoning and thinking, problem solving, learning and emotions. Other functions relate to vision, hearing, touch and other senses. It is divided into left and right hemispheres by a deep longitudinal fissure which remain in contact with one another by corpus callosum. Corpus callosum is a bunch of more than 200 million myelinated nerve fibres that connect the two brain hemispheres 

Cerebellum - It is located at the back of head just above and behind where spinal cord connects to brain. This name comes from the latin word and means "little brain". This part of the brain helps a person drive, throw a ball, or walk across the room. Problems with cerebellum are rare mostly involve movement and coordination activities. It accounts for around 10 percent of total brain weight but contains as many as 80 percent of all neurons in the brain. As a result of its close relationship with movement, the most common signs of its disorder involve disturbance in movement control. The symptoms are difficulty in walking and mobility, lack of muscle control and coordination, slurred speech, difficulty in speaking, headaches, abnormal eye movements. 

Stem cells - These cells are found in almost all tissues of our body. They have two properties - able to make more like themselves. They can become other cells that do different things in a process known as differentiation. They are needed for maintenance of tissues, organs (where they reside) and repair after injury. Depending on where they are can develop into different tissues. 

These cells have potential to treat brain injuries, neurogenerative diseases and other brain conditions. When prodded with the right chemical cues, they can generate neural stem cells from heart cell to brain cell. These cells will go on to produce all the cells in the nervous system, including neurons and support cells called Gila.     

Mind it that everything we do, every thought we have ever had, is produced by the human brain. Do not borrow the productions of other men's brains, pens and recites them as a lesson but make most of the talents, the Brain power, GOD has given you.The single most important thing for optimizing brain function is sleep.             





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