Qualities Of A Good Prime Minister

Following are ten qualities (not in order of importance), which I believe are the most important for a Prime Minister and why ? -
1) Ability to connect with constituents - All great leaders in history had a penchant for being able to connect with their citizens i.e. a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something.
Leaders who have failed have probably failed in this domain.
2) Clarity of vision - The Prime Minister who knows their vision and can successfully articulate it to the voting public is one who will be held in high regard.
3) Coherent grasp of domestic issues - There has to be a keen desire and understanding of domestic concerns that directly impact the citizens. Failure to understand and address these issues will create a gap between what the Leader does and how it impacts their citizens.
4) Clear understanding of different cultures in their Governance - All good leaders will be able to understand the Political culture, Ethical/ Racial cultures, Class based cultures but the top of examples of culture to which a good leader be able to appeal in both good times and bad ones.
5) Good credibility - Best Prime Ministers have maintained good credibility with the citizens throughout history. Reality is when Prime Minister stands for one thing s/he must have credibility with voting public that says " Trust me because this is what I believe and what I will do".
6) Good grasp of Parliamentary Constituents - It is important for a Prime Minister to understand needs of their own political and opposition parties. Most Prime Ministers are subject to legislative checks or limits on their power. Due to this, they cannot afford to as if they are dictator. Rather, they must listen and negotiate within their own and opposition parties.
7) Foreign Power presence - The Prime Minister must sit with Heads of State and articulate the vision that will invariably lead to dialogue and co-operation with other nations. If S/he is perceived as weak by foreign nations, this will have adverse implications on country's ability to trade with other nations and maintain healthy and pro- active relations with those nations.
8) Ability to "Seize the Moment" - Great leaders are defined by how they handle "The moment". It is not sure that how the good leaders can be taught to do so. It must be instinctual and must seize the moment at the moment.
9) Distinction, yet Approachable - Great Prime Minsters have to be able to remain distinct, a symbol for their nation. Yet they cannot be aloof too distant - must be approachable. Leaders must be unique individuals, distinct from us but have to be embraced by us. It is a trick balance to strike.
10)  Great Politicians - After every certain number of years, Prime Ministers have to go out into their public domains and convince citizens to re elect them. While doing so, they have to be in control of themselves and surroundings.

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